Function convertToSupportedLocale

Convert a locale/language to a supported locale/language

Returns undefined if no supported locale is found


It will first try to find an exact match for a locale (not language). If not found, it will try:

  • the first supported locale with a matching language
  • the first supported language
import { convertToSupportedLocale } from "@pistonite/pure/pref";

// suppose supported locales are ["en", "zh", "zh-CN"]
console.log(convertToSupportedLocale("en")); // "en"
console.log(convertToSupportedLocale("en-US")); // "en"
console.log(convertToSupportedLocale("zh")); // "zh-CN"
console.log(convertToSupportedLocale("zh-CN")); // "zh-CN"
console.log(convertToSupportedLocale("zh-TW")); // "zh"
console.log(convertToSupportedLocale("es")); // undefined
  • Parameters

    • newLocale: string

    Returns undefined | string