• An async event wrapper that ensures an async initialization is only ran once. Any subsequent calls after the first call will return a promise that resolves/rejects with the result of the first call.

    import { once } from "@pistonite/pure/sync";

    const getLuckyNumber = once({
    fn: async () => {
    console.log("running expensive initialization...")
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
    return 42;

    const result1 = getLuckyNumber();
    const result2 = getLuckyNumber();
    console.log(await result1);
    console.log(await result2);
    // logs:
    // running expensive initialization...
    // done
    // 42
    // 42

    Some initialization might require clean up, such as unregister event handlers and/or timers. In this case, a production build might work fine but a HMR (Hot Module Reload) development server might not do this for you automatically.

    One way to work around this during development is to store the cleanup as a global object

    const getResourceThatNeedsCleanup = once({
    fn: async () => {
    if (__DEV__) { // Configure your bundler to inject this
    // await if you need async clean up
    await (window as any).cleanupMyResource?.();

    let resource: MyResource;
    if (__DEV__) {
    (window as any).cleanupMyResource = async () => {
    await resource?.cleanup();

    resource = await initResource();
    return resource;

    An alternative solution is to not use once but instead tie the initialization of the resource to some other lifecycle event that gets cleaned up during HMR. For example, A framework that supports HMR for React components might unmount the component before reloading, which gives you a chance to clean up the resource.

    This is not an issue if the resource doesn't leak other resources, since it will eventually be GC'd.

    Type Parameters

    • TFn extends (...args: any[]) => any


    Returns (...args: Parameters<TFn>) => Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<TFn>>>